Kendrick, A. F.; Catalogue of Textiles From Burying-Grounds in Egypt; Vol. II. Period of Transition and of Christian Emblems; Victoria and Albert Museum, Department of Textiles; London, 1921.

English; Catalogs incorrectly as knitting a some Eygptian socks from 4th -5th cent. AD.

King, Mary Elizabeth; Ancient Peruvian Textiles from the Collection of the Textile Museum Washington D.C. The Museum of Primitive Art New York; Introduction and notes by King; The Museum of Primitive Art, New York, 1965; Library of Congress CCN: 65-28305.

English; Includes a picture of one item borders using simple and cross-knit looping variants from the proto- or early- Nazca time frame.

King, Mary Elizabeth; Textiles and Basketry of the Paracas Period, Ica Valley, Peru; reprinted from DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS, Vol. 26, No. 3; University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1965.

English; A Ph.D. dissertation which includes numerous catalog entries for items made in, or embellished with, simple and cross-knit variants. Of greatest interest are the animal figurines and the shirts.

Kissel, Mary Lois; 'Basketry of the Papago and Pima' in the Anthropological Papers of The American Museum of Natural History, Vol. XVII, Part IV; by order of the trustees of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, 1916.

English; Includes description, pictures, and diagrams of "lace coiling" as used by the Papago and Pima tribes found in Southern Arizona.

Koskennurmi-Sivonen, Ritva.& Mikkilä, Katri; Peruskoulun neulekirja; WSOY; Werner Söderström, Osakeyhtiö, Porvoo, Helsinki, Juva, 1984; ISBN 951-0-12283-1.

Finnish; Includes a brief section on nålbinding with instructions, diagramed, for the UOOUU/OOUUOO F2 variant.

Lehtosalo-Hilander, Pirkko-Liisa; Ancient Finnish Costumes; The Finnish Archaeological Society, 1984; ISBN 951-99605-4-6;

English; Provides the history of the reconstruction of the Finnish costume and in particular the Eura Constume based on grave finds from the early part of the 11th cent. It briefly mentions the nålbinding found in Grave 56 but refers to it as "sewn mitten technique".

Lehtosalo-Hilander, Pirkko-Liisa; Luistari I: The Graves; Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistyksen Aikakauskirja Finska Fornminnesföreningens Tidskrift 82:1; Helsinki, 1982; ISBN 951-9056-46-7; ISBN 951-9056-47-5; ISSN 0355-1822; Note bound as one volume with 82:2, 82:3, & 83:1.

English & Finnish; Archaeological findings of the Luistari Cemetary in Eura, Finland dating to the 11th cent. Most important is grave 56 and there are some nice photos of it. There is also a photo of the actual piece of nålbinding, however the variant isn't mentioned.

Lehtosalo-Hilander, Pirkko-Liisa; Luistari II: The Artefacts; Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistyksen Aikakauskirja Finska Fornminnesföreningens Tidskrift 82:2; Helsinki, 1982; ISBN 951-9056-46-7; ISBN 951-9056-48-3; ISSN 0355-1822; Note bound as one volume with 82:1, 82:3, & 83:1.

English & Finnish; Continued archaeological record. Mentions that Grave 56 is dated to c. 1000-1070 AD and gives mention of other graves from the same time.

Lehtosalo-Hilander, Pirkko-Liisa; Luistari III: A Burial-Ground Reflecting The Finnish Viking Age Society; Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistyksen Aikakauskirja Finska Fornminnesföreningens Tidskrift 82:3; Helsinki, 1982; ISBN 951-9056-46-7; ISBN 951-9056-49-1; ISSN 0355-1822; Note bound as one volume with 82:1, 82:2, & 83:1.

English & Finnish; Cont. from above. Mentions evidence they made "sewn mittens".

Leinonen, Kaisa Marika; Neulakinnasperinne Suomessa; Joensuun yliopisto; Savonlinnan Opettajankoulutuslaitos; Pro gradu -tutkielma, Huhtikuu 2000; (Tradition of Nålebinding Mittens in Finland; ?; Savolinna Department of Teacher Education; Master's Thesis, April 2000); pgs. 1-95; English Abstract; on Microfiche.

Finnish; Disscusses the current tradition of nålbinding in Finland today. Mentions that the tradition is best preserved amonst the Carelians. Provides diagrams for UUOO/UUOOO F1, UUOOUU/OOUUOOO F1, and a variant that the intersection point is twisted into a loop before the new thread is drawn through, classified something like UUOO(Udown)O/UUUOOU F1.

Ligon, Linda C.; 'The Ubiquitous Loop' in Piecework Vol. II N. 1, January/February 1994; Interweave Press, 1994; pgs. 64-66.

English; Discusses items made using the simple buttonhole variant. Has a picture of a Native American sock, a bag, and some other items.

DeLuco, Pam; 'The Chácara of the Ngöbe Woman: Handspun string bags from Panama' in Spin-Off, Vol. XXV, No. 2, Summer 2001; Interweave Press, Inc., 2001; pgs. 62-65.

English; Discusses the entire process in making the bags and has diagrams of two stitch variants, simple buttonhole and O/UO F1?.

Manninen, Ilmari; Pohjoisen Karjalan vanhanaikainen talous; historiallisten lähteiden mukaan; Historiallisia tutkimuksia V; Suomen historiallinen seura; Helsinki, 1992.

Finnish; Mentions Russian Mittens but I can't read it well enough to be sure.

Martinson, Kate; 'Scandinavian Nålbinding; Needle Looped Fabric' in Weaver's Journal XII, No. 2, Issue 46; Fall 1987.

English; Brief discussion of nålbinding and instructions with diagrams for UOOO/UUUOO F2. Also give brief directions for finishing (fulling) an item.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art; Peruvian Textiles, Examples of the Pre-Incaic Period; New York, 1930.

English; Gives a good breskdown of the cultural timeframes in Peru. Includes a picture of a neck ornament, humming birds & flowers, made in the cross-knit variant, here called "knitted".

Müller-Christensen, Sigrid & Kubach, Hans Erich & Stein, Günter; 'Die Gräber im Königschor' in Der Dom zu Speyer Vol. 2 (Textband); Hans Erich Kubach and Walter Haas, eds.; Deutscher Kunstverlag, Münich, 1972; ISBN 3-422-00539-0; see also Pict. 1464 in Der Dom zu Speyer Vol. 1 (Bildband) ); Hans Erich Kubach and Walter Haas, eds.; Deutscher Kunstverlag, Münich, 1972; ISBN 3-422-00539-0.

German; The Textband mentions a silk glove fragment, the Bildband has a picture of it, from 1056AD?. The footnote includes mention of a few other items. The Textband also includes catalog mentions of another silk glove/mitten and one linen one.

Müller-Christensen, Sigrid, ed.; Sakrale Gewänder des Mittelalters: Ausstellung im Bayerischen Nationalmuseum München, 8. Juli bis 25. September 1955; Hirmer Verlag München, 1955.

German; Includes in the catalog a linen mitten from the middle of the 1200's.

Munksgaard, Elisabeth; 'Kopien af dragten fra Mammengraven' in Mammen : Grav, kunst og samfund i vikingetid; ed. Mette Iversen; Jysk Arkæologisk Selskabs Skrifter XXVIII, 1991; pgs. 151-153; ISBN 87-7288-571-8; ISSN 0107-2854.

Danish; Regarding the replica of the Mammen clothing. Includes pictures of how they think the pennants were worn.

Nahlik, Adam; Tkaniny Welniane Importowane i Miejscowe Nowogrodu Wielkiego X-XV Wieku; French summary trans. by Jadwiga Packiewizcówna; Zak³ad Narodowy Imienia Ossoliñskich Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Wroclaw / Warszawa / Kraków, 1964; (No ISBN listed in this rebound book).

Polish; Archaeological work incuding mention of 9 nålbound fragments found in Novgorod. Gives diagrams and instructions for the UO/UOO variant.

Nelson, Lila; 'Toothbrush Handle Rugs; Nålbinding with Rags' in Weaver's Journal XII, No. 2, Issue 46; Fall 1987.

English; Discusses the history of Toothbrush rugs in America and their relation to nålbinding in other materials. Includes instructions adapted from the Nebraska Extension Service.

*Nockert, Margareta; email coorespondence; May 2000.

Nordiska Museet; Swedish Textiles; ed. Emelie von Walterstorff; Victor Pettersons Bokindutriaktiebolag, Stockholm, 1925; pgs. Intro, 81, fig. 228.

English; Includes a brief explination of "sewing of mittens", 'nålning or vantsöm'. Gives a diagram of UOO/UUOO F1 and a picture of a mitten from Värmland.

Nordland, Odd; Primitive Scandinavian Textiles in Knotless Netting; Studia Norvegica 10; Oslo University Press, Oslo, 1961; No ISBN listed in Book.


Nylén, Anna-Maja; Swedish Handicraft; trans. Anne-Charlotte Hanes Harvey; Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1977; pgs. 315-318; ISBN 0-442-26090-3; ; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 75-28331.


O'Neale, Lila M.; 'Textile Periods in Ancient Peru: II Paracas Caverns and the Grand Necropolis' in University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Vol 39, No. 2; University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1942.


Østergård, Else; 'Textilfragmenterne fra Mammengraven' in Mammen : Grav, kunst og samfund i vikingetid; ed. Mette Iversen; Jysk Arkæologisk Selskabs Skrifter XXVIII, 1991; pgs. 123-138; ISBN 87-7288-571-8; ISSN 0107-2854.


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