Almay, Mirja & Luutonen, Marketta & Mitronen, Kyllikki; Sydamenlammittaja ja tikkuripaita: Perinteisia neuleita Suomesta ja Eestista; Kustannusosakeyhtio Tammi; Helsinki, 1993; pgs. 5, 39, 93-95, English Summary 145-150; ISBN 951-31-0089-9. Finnish; While mostly concentrating on knitting in Finland and Estonia, and some crochet, this book does include a small section on nålbinding with directions, in Finnish, for UUOOUU/OOUUOOO. The English summary is quite good with a brief discussion on the history of the techniques and descriptions of all the pictures in the book. Amann, Rudy; 'A Mörbius Scarf to Nålbind' in Piecework Vol. IX N. 3, May / June 2001; Interweave Press, 2001; pgs. 33-34. English; Fairly clear instructions on the UOO/UUOO F1 variant, including pictures. While clear, I would prefer the pictures had been taken closer up. In addition, while they demonstrate a good method for splicing plied thread, I suggest splicing closer to the work than recommended in these instructions. Arbman, Holger; 'Äldre Handbeklädnad' Part I of 'Åslevanten' in Nordiska Museets och Skansens Årsbok Fataburen; 1934; pgs. 67-72. Swedish; Discusses the find of the Åsle mitten. Includes the full pollen analysis. Then briefly discusses mittens in classical liturature and the symbolism of mittens in the Middle Ages. Barber, E. J. W.; Prehistoric Textiles: The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages with special reference to the Aegean; Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1991; pgs. 4, 12, 20, 21, 34, 37, 41, 65, 66, 68, 123, 130-134, 140, 177, 182-184, 213, 224, 249, 259; ISBN 0-691-00224-X (hardback ISBN 0-691-03597-0). English; Discusses the early history of the use of textiles, fibers and spinning, and briefly mentions the nålbinding in the Nehal Hemar cave in Isreal. It also includes mentions of the Skrydstrup blouse of detached buttonhole stitch with three twineing "central" threads. Bender Jørgensen, Lise & Københavns Universitet, 'Nålebinding i dansk stenalder' in Textila Tekniker I Nordisk Tradition, Rapport från nordiskt symposium on textila tekniker 1986, ed. by Bengt Wittgren; Etnolore 6, Skrifter från Etnologiska institutionen vid Uppsala universitet; Reprocentralen HSC, Uppsala universitet, Uppsala, 1987; pgs. 63-68; ISBN 91-506-0652-2; ISSN 0280-9559. Danish; Discusses the nålbound finds from Tybrind Vig, 4,200 BC, and a bit on the Bolkilde finds fron 3,400 BC. Includes drawings of the Tybrind Vig finds. Bender Jørgensen, Lise; 'Stone-Age Textiles in North Europe' in Textiles in Northern Archaeology, Textile Symposium in York, North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles Monograph 3, NESAT III; London Archetype Publications, 1990; pgs. 1-10; ISBN 1-873132-05-0. English; This article also discusses the nålbound finds from Tybrind Vig, 4,200 BC, and a bit on the Bolkilde finds fron 3,400 BC. Includes drawings of the Tybrind Vig finds and one of the Bolkilde fragments. Bennett, Wendell C. & Bird, Junius B.; Andean Culture History; Handbook Series No. 15; second and revised edition; ©The American Museum of Natural History; A publication of the Anthropological Handbook Fund, New York, 1960; pgs. 1-6, 112, 257-299. English; Gives a brief discussion of the nålbinding variant known as "needle knitting" found in Peru prior to the arrival of the Spanish. (Most likely Nazca and Paracas cultures, c200BC-c200AD.) Bennike, Pia & Ebbesen, Klaus & Bender Jørgensen, Lise; 'Early neolithic skeletons from Bolkilde bog, Denmark' in Antiquity, LX, No. 230, November 1986; Antiquity Publications Ltd., Cambridge, 1986; pgs. 199-209; ISSN 0003-598X. English; While mostly discussing the skeletons, this article aslo discusses the few pieces of nålbinding found with the bodies. It is interesting to note that the diagram given that is supposedly accurate for all three pieces does not match the picture of one of the Bolkilde fragements found in Bender Jørgensen, Lise; 'Stone-Age Textiles in North Europe'. Bock, Franz; Geschichte der liturgischen Gewänder des Mittelalters II; Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, Graz, Austria, 1970; pgs. 1-10, 131-148, 342-354, Taf. VII, XIX, XX, L. German; Provides nice drawings, though no structural diagrams, of a number of eclisiastical gloves. Some of which may be nålbound. (I'm still working on reading it.) Bolland, Rita; Tellem Textiles: Archaeological finds from Burial caves in Mali's Bandiagara Cliff; Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden, No. 27; trans. by Patricia Wardle; Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam, 1991; ISBN 90-6832-224-9 (KIT Press); ISBN 90-71310-45-0 (Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde). English; Includes one item made using the simple buttonhole variant and another item that has some buttonhole filling. It includes numerous woven articles. The occupation of the caves date from the 11th century to the 16th century. Braun, Joseph; Die Liturgische Gewandung Im Occident Und Orient: Nach Ursprung Und Entwwicklung, Verwendung Und Symbolik; Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, Germany, 1964. German; Of particular interest is the section discussing ecclisiastical gloves. Has pictures and brief description of technique for a number of gloves including two that are nålbound. Briansdotter, Sigrid; Nålbinding: The Åsle Mitten Stitch: An Instruction Manual: U (U) O/U O:U OO F1+1; © Anne Marie Decker; Tangle Fairies, Snohomish WA, 2000; ISBN 0-9708354-0-X. English; Provides detailed information on the actual Åsle Mitten and detailed instructions, with clear diagrams, on how to reproduce the stitch and use it to make a number of different items. Brodén, Märta; Nålbindning; LTs förlag, LTK, Stockholm; Centraltrykeriet AB, Borås, 1973; ISBN 91-36-00303-4. Swedish; A book with instructions, including diagrams, for the UOOO/UUUOO F2 variant. It also includes a brief history of nålbinding, descriptions of the best types of wool to use, instructions for socks, mittens, scarves, and hats, and methods for fulling the object. Includes a Swedish-Danish wordlist. Brodén, Märta; Nålbindning, Handledning; andra upplagen (2nd edition); LTs förlag, LTK, Stockholm; Centraltrykeriet AB, Borås, 1972; ISBN 91-36-00153-8. Swedish; A short book with instructions, but no diagrams, for the UOOO/UUUOO F1 variant. Includes directions for child and adult sized socks, men's mitten, and directions for fulling the item. Burnham, Dorothy K.; 'Coptic Knitting: An Ancient Technique' in Textile History, Vol. 3 December 1972; ed. by K. G. Ponting and Dr S. D. Chapman; The Pasold Research Fund LTD, England, 1972; pgs. 116-124. English; Explains that the Egyptian socks from the 4th - 6th centuries AD while appearing to be constructed using the Crossed Eastern Knitting method are acctually made using a variant of nålbinding which she refers to as "single-needle knitting". Includes diagrams and explinations of the method and heel formation. Bush, Nancy; 'Nålbinding - From the Iron Age to Today' in Piecework Vol. IX N. 3, May / June 2001; Interweave Press, 2001; pgs. 28-32. English; A brief history of nålbinding with some excellent photographs. Includes the best photo I have seen of the Arabian hat out of Eygpt, 9th-10th cent. Caulfeild, S. F. A. & Saward, Blanche C.; Encyclopedia of Victorian Needlework [Dictionary of Needlework]; Vol. I, A-L; an unabridged republication of the second edition (1887) of the work originally published by A. W. Cowan, London, in 1882 under the title The Dictionary of Needlework: An Encyclopedia of Artistic, Plain, and Fancy Needlework; Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1972; pgs. 56, 57, 88, 89, 94, 95, 186, ?, 190, 191, 238-240, 253-256; ISBN 0-486-22800-2; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 79-182103. English; Includes various needle laces based off or including buttonhole variants. Caulfeild, S. F. A. & Saward, Blanche C.; Encyclopedia of Victorian Needlework [Dictionary of Needlework]; Vol. II, M-Z and Supplement; an unabridged republication of the second edition (1887) of the work originally published by A. W. Cowan, London, in 1882 under the title The Dictionary of Needlework: An Encyclopedia of Artistic, Plain, and Fancy Needlework; Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1972; pgs. 403-410, 446, 447, 453-457, 464, 469, 511-513; ISBN 0-486-22801-0; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 79-182103. English; see above Collin, Maria; 'Sydda vantar' in Fataburen; 1917; pgs. 71-78. Swedish; Discusses Swedish nålbinding of the early 20th cent. Includes diagram instructions for the UOU/OUOO F1, UO/UOO F1, and UOO/UUOO F2 variants. The last is particularly interesting as the diagrams and the accompaning photo are directly out of Louise Schinnerer's "Antike Handarbeiten" which is the first book in which a variant of nålbinding is diagramed. Collingwood, Peter; The Maker's Hand, A Close Look at Textile Structures; Lark Books, Asheville, NC & Interweave Press, Loveland, Colorado, 1987; pgs. 9, 14-33, 44-45; ISBN 0-937274-26-7. English; Includes pictures and diagrams of a number of items made using buttonhole variants, a pair of Norwegian mittens made using UOOOO/UUUUOO F1, and a pair of socks from Oman that uses a very unusual variant possibly classified as UUOO/UUU/OOO/UUUOO. Dahl, Hjordis; Högsäng och Klädbod: Ur Svenskbygdernas Textilhistoria; Skrifter utg. av Sv. Litteratursällskapet I Finland NR 544, ISSN 0039-6842; Folklivsstudier XVIII, ISSN 0085-0764; Svenska litteratursällskapet I Finland (Tryckeri och Tidnings Ab), Helsingfors (Borga), 1987; pgs. 342-345; ISBN 951-9018-36-0. Swedish; Includes a brief section on the nålbinding of the Swedish speaking parts of Finland. Gives a diagram of a variant where the intersection is split not just turned around, UOO?UUOO F1. Danielson, Sofia; Hand och tanke; 100 år textil; Nordiska museet, Stockholm, 1973; pgs, 26-28; ISBN 91-7108-059-7. Swedish; A brief disscussion on Märta Brodén and her nålbinding background. Includes diagrams for variant UO/UOO, although #2 & #3 don't make sense, and Brodén's sock. Daugherty, Robin Taylor; 'A Treasure Pouch in Simple Looping' in Piecework Vol. II N. 1, January/February 1994; Interweave Press, 1994; pgs. 66-69. English; Directions for making a small pouch in the simple buttonhole variant. |
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